Five(-ish) Most-Read Posts of 2017

This year marked a shift in focus of my blogging, away from adventures in the classroom working mostly with students, and toward adventures as a board co-ordinator working mostly with teachers. 

The past few years, I've enjoyed reflecting on which posts become the most-read, but this year the numbers seemed skewed - the more established blog's views were much higher than the new blog, due partially to previously-made links, and partially due to something fishy going on in the hit counter (and, I suspect, some bots).

So this year, as I'm working toward my new #onewordONT goal for 2018, I decided to look at the most-read three posts from each blog. Here they are:

Model the Learning:

3) BIT17 Ignite - Find Your Why - My Ignite talk from BIT2017.

2) Making the Most of Tracking Observations with Forms - Using Google Forms in new ways to track what we see in the math classroom.

1) A New Diagnostic - Looking at a new tool being developed in our board for assessing mathematical skills.


3) One Word 2017: Patience - My one word goal for this past year.

2) From Grade 8 to Grade 9 - What challenges do students face as they move from grade 8 to grade 9?

1) When do they Learn That? - Looking at when students learn math vocabulary from grade 1 through grade 10.

It's also interesting to me to see the trends change over the past few years. Here are my other most-read lists:


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